Trimming & Tidying

Traditionally tails and manes were pulled by hand, but this can cause discomfort to the horse/pony often making them agitated and sore. So Smart Grooming developed the Humane Tail Rakes – revolutionizing this grim task.
Start with raking the sides of the tail evenly, starting at the top and working your way down the tail, blending into a tapered look towards the end of the dock.
Stand back every now and then so you can see how far down you have gone and how even the tail looks. Depending on the thickness of the tail will depend on which rake to use. For a natural tidy look, we would recommend using either the Medium or Course grade. For a closer finish use the fine rake.
For tidying the stray hairs use the Smart Grooming Equi-Shave in a gentle stroking motion.
Always check with the appropriate Breed Societies about rulings for tail lengths as this can vary.